About Us
The Gloucester County Resource Council is a network of human service organizations in Gloucester who meet monthly to share ideas, information and resources. Cooperative, inter-agency efforts are planned and initiated in an attempt to maximize community resources and minimize duplication of services. It is hoped that by sharing information and building awareness of current community services and resources more planned extension of services and resources will occur as well as cooperative creation of new opportunities and resources. Participation is open to agencies, organizations, and businesses, with community service functions within Gloucester County, and any citizen of Gloucester County.
Mission Statement
Serving residents of Gloucester County, the Gloucester Resource Council is a network of community resources to identify needs, promote agency services, encourage collaboration and advocate for the need of the community.
Vision Statement
The Gloucester Resource Council will serve as the coordination body for organizations with community service missions while promoting solutions to local concerns and challenges by using current and future resources.
“How Can We Help You?” Brochure
Do you or someone you know have basic, unmet needs? If so, check out our new “How Can We Help You?” Brochure here!
GRC Subcommittees
We currently have a number of subcommittees made up of Resource Council members looking to address issues in the community, including:
Public Relations: To promote the Gloucester Resource Council and its activities, as well as participating organization’s mission and activities, and engage the time, treasure, and talent of the community through multiple communication venues such as traditional and social media. The PR Committee oversees the Spotlight on Hope (Gloucester-Mathews Gazette-Journal) articles, GRC Facebook page and Facebook Feature Friday initiative, and manages this website.
Resource Fair: Organizing the Festival of Trees – an outreach opportunity for GRC members to decorate a holiday tree that identifies their organization and displays how their organization helps the community. These trees will be located in stores along Main Street for the holiday season.
Gloucester Resource Youth Team: A team of dedicated individuals who meet monthly to collaboratively address Gloucester youth needs.
Past Accomplishments
– Catalyst for the creation of local 501(c)3 nonprofits such as the Samaritan Group, Inc. and GUEST
– Celebrate Families – A Day of Free Family Events and Activities!
– Child Care Recruitment and Training Support
– Youth Tutorial Program
– Recreational Programs
– 2015 Poverty Simulation
– Resource Guide to Youth
– Promotion and Use of Gifts-In-Kind Program
– Planning for Youth Assessment/Survey
– Community EXPO
– Citizen’s Guide to Local Government & Community Resources
– Welcome Aboard New Resident Packet
– Trauma-Informed Care Workshop
– Gloucester Volunteer Month
– Youth Scholarships for Camping & Enrichment Opportunities